Information Governance​

A magnifying glass highlighting data to signify information governance
A magnifying glass highlighting data to signify information governance

Information Governance​

Enhancing your organization’s information governance strategy with comprehensive managed content services

Striking that balance between value, risk, and cost

We understand that there are many stakeholders involved in your information governance strategy—from your business users who 
need information to operate the organization to your legal, risk, and 
regulatory departments who understand the organization’s duty to preserve information beyond its immediate business value. Plus, 
your IT departments must implement the mechanics of information management.

Information Governance 
Reference Model (IGRM)
Image source: EDRM (

Content lifecycle

Leveraging Viewpointe’s solution, your company can achieve its information governance compliance requirements, meet relevant laws and regulations, and align them with your organization’s business strategy throughout the lifecycle of your content, 
from ingestion to disposition.

Leverage Viewpointe’s expertise to empower your information governance strategy through our managed content services.

Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM)
Image source: EDRM (

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A magnifying glass on its side highlighting data to signify information governance

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